Um erro ocorreu enquanto processava o modelo.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> imageData.fileEntryId [in template "20154#20194#21081" at line 39, column 83] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #return "${themeDisplay.getURLPortal(... [in template "20154#20194#21081" in function "getAdaptiveMediaFromFileUploadField" at line 39, column 17] - Reached through: ${getAdaptiveMediaFromFileUploadField... [in template "20154#20194#21081" at line 351, column 14] ----
1<meta property="og:title" content="${front_title.getData()}" />
2<meta property="og:description" content="${sub_title.getData()}" />
3<meta property="og:image" content="${full_image.getData()}" />
4<meta property="og:url" content="${.vars["reserved-article-url-title"].data}" />
5<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
7<#setting url_escaping_charset='UTF-8' />
8<#setting locale = locale />
9<#setting time_zone="GMT-4" />
10<#setting datetime_format="dd 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy 'às' HH:mm">
13 journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")
14 FriendlyURLEntryLocalServiceUtil = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.friendly.url.service.FriendlyURLEntryLocalService")
15 dlFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")
17 articleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data
18 journalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle( groupId, articleId )
19 dataPublicacao = journalArticle["displayDate"]?datetime
20 titulo = journalArticle["title"]!""
21 chapeu = (.vars['hat'].getData())!""
22 tituloCapa = (.vars['front_title'].getData())!""
23 subTitulo = (.vars['sub_title'].getData())!""
24 autor = (.vars['author'].getData())!""
25 local = (.vars['source'].getData())!""
26 imagemDestaque = (.vars['full_image'].getData())!""
27 imagemLegenda = (.vars['legenda_da_foto'].getData())!""
28 imagemCredito = (.vars['credito_da_foto'].getData())!""
29 urlVideo = (.vars['video'].getData())!""
30 idGaleria = (.vars['gallery'].getData())!""
31 anexos = (.vars['attach'])!""
32 resourceprimKey = journalArticle.getResourcePrimKey()
33 classFileEntryID = 20423?long
36<#function getAdaptiveMediaFromFileUploadField imageField>
37 <#if imageField?? && imageField?has_content>
38 <#assign imageData =>
39 <#return "${themeDisplay.getURLPortal()}/o/adaptive-media/image/${imageData.fileEntryId}/Thumbnail-1024x1024/${imageData.title}">
40 <#else>
41 <#return "Imagem não encontrada!">
42 </#if>
46 .btn-warning{
47 margin-left: 230px;font-size: 15px;
48 }
49 .component-title:before {
50 content:"${chapeu}";
51 font-size: 13px;
52 display: -webkit-box;
53 line-height: 15px;
54 text-transform: uppercase;
55 font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
56 display: block;
57 text-align: left;
58 }
59 .align-items-center.d-flex.mb-2 .header-back-to a {
60 margin-top: 5px;
61 font-size: 1.8em;
62 margin-left: -10px;
63 }
64 .portlet-boundary_com_liferay_portal_search_web_portlet_SearchPortlet_ {
65 display: none;
66 }
67 .increaseFont,
68 .decreaseFont {
69 cursor: pointer;
70 }
71 .increaseFont a:hover,
72 .decreaseFont a:hover {
73 text-decoration: none !important;
74 }
75 .increaseFont {
76 font-size: 24px;
77 }
78 .increaseFont i,
79 .decreaseFont i {
80 font-size: 14px;
81 }
82 .full-content img {
83 padding: 0px !important;
84 }
85 .attach-content ol li {
86 text-align: left;
87 }
88 div.imgCaption {
89 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
90 color: rgb(220, 220, 220);
91 font-size: 11px;
92 padding: 0px 4px;
93 position: relative;
94 }
95 .full-content picture img {
96 height: 100% !important;
97 width: 100% !important;
98 }
99 .full-content {
100 font-size: 18px;
101 }
102 .anexos > span {
103 background: var(--color-azul-01);
104 padding: 5px;
105 font-weight: bold;
106 color: white;
107 }
111 <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg">
112 <meta property="og:image" content="${(themeDisplay.getURLPortal())!''}${(full_image.getData())!''}">
113 <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="${(themeDisplay.getURLPortal())!''}${(full_image.getData())!''}" />
114 <meta property="og:image:alt" content="${(sub_title.getData())!''}"/>
115 <meta property="og:image:width" content="400" />
116 <meta property="og:image:height" content="300" />
117 <meta property="og:description" content="${(sub_title.getData())!''}" />
118 <meta property="og:updated_time" content="${.now?string("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}">
121<#macro exibeCorpoNoticia>
122 <#assign legendasArray = [] />
123 <#assign regexImg = r'<img[^>]*src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>' />
124 <#assign listaImgs = ((full_text.getData())!'')?matches(regexImg) />
125 <#assign corpoFinal = (full_text.getData())!'' />
126 <#list listaImgs as curImg>
127 <#assign srcUrl = curImg?groups[1] />
128 <#assign temThumb = srcUrl?contains('imageThumbnail') />
129 <#if !temThumb>
130 <#if srcUrl?contains('?') >
131 <#assign separador = '&' />
132 <#else>
133 <#assign separador = '?' />
134 </#if>
135 <#assign corpoFinal = corpoFinal?replace(srcUrl, "${srcUrl}${separador}imageThumbnail=3", 'f') />
136 </#if>
137 <#assign urlNovoFormato = srcUrl?starts_with("/documents/d/") />
138 <#assign filename = srcUrl?split("/")?last?split("?")?first />
139 <#if urlNovoFormato>
140 <#--
141 <#assign returnFriendUrlHash = FriendlyURLEntryLocalServiceUtil.fetchFriendlyURLEntry(groupId, classFileEntryID, filename)/>
142 <#assign returnClassPKfetchFriendlyURL = returnFriendUrlHash.classPK />
143 <#assign
144 restReturn = restClient.get("/headless-delivery/v1.0/documents/${returnClassPKfetchFriendlyURL}")
145 documentType = (restReturn["documentType"])![]
146 />
147 <#if documentType["name"] == "Imagem">
148 <#list documentType["contentFields"] as contentField>
149 <#if (contentField["name"]!'') == "image_text" >
150 <#assign subTitleImg = (contentField["contentFieldValue"]["data"])!'' />
151 </#if>
152 <#if (contentField["name"]!'') == "image_credits" >
153 <#assign creditImg = (contentField["contentFieldValue"]["data"])!'' />
154 </#if>
155 <#assign fullLegenda = ''>
156 <#if subTitleImg?has_content && !creditImg?has_content>
157 <#assign fullLegenda = "Legenda - ${subTitleImg}" />
158 <#elseif !subTitleImg?has_content && creditImg?has_content>
159 <#assign fullLegenda = "Créditos - ${creditImg}" />
160 <#elseif subTitleImg?has_content && creditImg?has_content>
161 <#assign fullLegenda = "Legenda - ${subTitleImg} - Créditos - ${creditImg}" />
162 </#if>
163 </#list>
164 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [fullLegenda]>
165 <#else>
166 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [" "]>
167 </#if>
168 <#-- -->
169 <#elseif srcUrl?starts_with("/documents/") && srcUrl?split("/")[2]?matches(r"\d+")>
170 <#assign fileEntryObj = (dlFileEntryLocalService.fetchFileEntry(filename, groupId))!"ERRO" />
171 <#if fileEntryObj?is_hash_ex >
172 <#assign extRefCode = (fileEntryObj.getExternalReferenceCode())!'' />
173 <#if extRefCode?matches(r"\d+")>
174 <#assign restReturn = restClient.get("/headless-delivery/v1.0/documents/${extRefCode}") />
175 <#assign documentType = (restReturn["documentType"])![] />
176 <#if documentType["name"] == "Imagem">
177 <#list documentType["contentFields"] as contentField>
178 <#if contentField["name"]?? >
179 <#if (contentField["name"]!'') == "image_text" >
180 <#assign subTitleImg = (contentField["contentFieldValue"]["data"])!'' />
181 </#if>
182 </#if>
183 <#if contentField["name"]?? >
184 <#if (contentField["name"]!'') == "image_credits" >
185 <#assign creditImg = (contentField["contentFieldValue"]["data"])!'' />
186 </#if>
187 </#if>
188 <#assign fullLegenda = '' />
189 <#if subTitleImg?has_content && !creditImg?has_content>
190 <#assign fullLegenda = "Legenda - ${subTitleImg}" />
191 <#elseif !subTitleImg?has_content && creditImg?has_content>
192 <#assign fullLegenda = "Créditos - ${creditImg}" />
193 <#elseif subTitleImg?has_content && creditImg?has_content>
194 <#assign fullLegenda = "Legenda - ${subTitleImg} - Créditos - ${creditImg}" />
195 </#if>
196 </#list>
197 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [fullLegenda]>
198 <#else>
199 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [" "]>
200 </#if>
201 <#else>
202 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [" "]>
203 </#if>
204 <#else>
205 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [" "]>
206 </#if>
207 <#else>
208 <#assign legendasArray = legendasArray + [" "]>
209 </#if>
210 </#list>
211 ${corpoFinal}
212 <script>
213 let legendas = [
214 <#list legendasArray as legenda>
215 "${legenda?js_string}"<#sep>, </#sep>
216 </#list>
217 ];
218 $(function() {
219 let images = document.querySelectorAll('.full-content img');
220 let pictures = document.querySelectorAll('.full-content picture');
222 function checkImageWidth(image, callback, tentativa = 0) {
223 const maxAttempts = 10;
224 const delay = 100; // tempo de espera entre as tentativas em milissegundos
226 if (image.width > 0 || tentativa >= maxAttempts) {
227 callback();
228 } else {
229 setTimeout(() => {
230 checkImageWidth(image, callback, tentativa + 1);
231 }, delay);
232 }
233 }
235 pictures.forEach(function(picture, index) {
236 checkImageWidth(images[index], function() {
237 if(legendas[index] != " "){
238 let caption = document.createElement('div');
240 = 'imgCaption_' + index;
241 caption.classList.add('imgCaption');
242 = images[index].width + 'px';
243 = images[index].style.float;
244 caption.textContent = legendas[index];
247 // Div da legenda por cima da foto:
248 // = 'translateY(-100%)';
250 if ( === 'center') {
251 = '50%';
252 = '-50%';
253 }
255 let wrapper = document.createElement('div');
257 wrapper.appendChild(picture.cloneNode(true));
258 wrapper.appendChild(caption);
260 picture.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, picture);
261 }
262 });
263 });
264 });
265 </script>
268<#-- Ajustar valores para ativar a validação de conteúdo apropriado para época de eleição -->
270 validarEleicao = false
271 tagEleicao = "eleicao2026_nova"
274<#if validarEleicao >
275 <#assign
276 assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")
277 assetEntry = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", resourceprimKey)
278 jaTags = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.AssetTagLocalService")
279 listaTags = jaTags.getAssetEntryAssetTags(assetEntry.entryId)
280 />
281 <#-- sites que não validam eleição (todo conteúdo é permitido) -->
282 <#assign conteudoPermitido = groupId == 9777918 || groupId == 22572295 />
284 <#-- Se conteudo possui tag de eleição ou é de site que não valida, permite o conteúdo -->
285 <#assign conteudoPermitido = listaTags?seq_contains(tagEleicao) || conteudoPermitido />
287 <#assign conteudoPermitido = true />
290<#if !conteudoPermitido >
291 <style>
292 .portlet-body { display: none; }
293 </style>
295 <!--<small>${chapeu}</small>
296 <h2><strong>${titulo}</strong></h2>
297 <hr>-->
298 <h5 style="font-size:12px;text-align: right;">${dataPublicacao}</h5>
299 <h5 style="text-align: left;">${subTitulo}</h5>
300 <#if local != "" >
301 <div style="text-align:left;">
302 <span style="font-size:11px;">${autor}</span> | <span style="font-size:11px;">${local}</span>
303 </div>
304 <#else>
305 <div style="text-align:left;">
306 <span style="font-size:12px;">${autor}</span></span>
307 </div>
308 </#if>
309 <br/><br/>
310 <#if imagemDestaque != "" >
311 <#if imagemLegenda != "" >
312 <#if imagemCredito != "" >
313 <#assign imagemCredito = " - Foto por: " + imagemCredito >
314 </#if>
315 <#else>
316 <#assign destaqueNovoFormato = imagemDestaque?contains("/documents/d/") />
317 <#assign destaqueEmLista = imagemDestaque?split("/") />
318 <#if destaqueEmLista?size gt 2>
319 <#if destaqueNovoFormato >
320 <#assign destaqueFileName = (destaqueEmLista[destaqueEmLista?size - 2]?split("?")?first)! />
321 <#if destaqueFileName != ''>
322 <#assign
323 destaqueFue = FriendlyURLEntryLocalServiceUtil.fetchFriendlyURLEntry(groupId, classFileEntryID, destaqueFileName)
324 destaqueClassPK = destaqueFue.classPK
325 restReturn = restClient.get("/headless-delivery/v1.0/documents/${destaqueClassPK}")
326 documentType = (restReturn["documentType"])![]
327 />
328 <#if documentType["name"] == "Imagem">
329 <#list documentType["contentFields"] as contentField>
330 <#if (contentField["name"]!'') == "image_text" >
331 <#assign imagemLegenda = (contentField["contentFieldValue"]["data"])!'' />
332 </#if>
333 <#if (contentField["name"]!'') == "image_credits" >
334 <#assign imagemCredito = (contentField["contentFieldValue"]["data"])!'' />
335 </#if>
336 </#list>
337 </#if>
338 </#if>
339 </#if>
340 <#if imagemLegenda != "" && imagemCredito != "" >
341 <#assign imagemCredito = " - Foto por: " + imagemCredito >
342 </#if>
343 </#if>
344 </#if>
345 <div style="position:relative;margin-bottom:20px;">
346 <div style="position: absolute;right: 0px;background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);color: #dcdcdc;font-size: 11px;bottom: 0;padding: 0 4px;">
347 ${imagemLegenda!} ${imagemCredito!}
348 </div>
349 <img
350 alt="${titulo} - ${imagemLegenda}"
351 src="${getAdaptiveMediaFromFileUploadField(full_image)}"
352 class="featured-image img-fluid"
353 title="${imagemLegenda} ${imagemCredito}"
354 />
355 </div>
356 </#if>
358 <div style="text-align: right;">
359 <a class="increaseFont">A<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i></a> |
360 <a class="decreaseFont">A<i class="icon-minus-sign"></i></a>
361 </div>
362 <div class="full-content" style="text-align:justify;">
363 <@exibeCorpoNoticia/>
364 </div>
365 <br/>
366 <#if urlVideo != "" && urlVideo??>
367 <#if urlVideo?starts_with("")>
368 <#assign urlVideo = urlVideo?split("/")[3]>
369 <#else>
370 <#assign urlVideo = "">
371 <button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-warning" data-toggle="popover" title="Verifique a URL" data-content="A Url tem que começar com Para achar essa Url, vai no video que deseja colocar e clica em compartilhar.">Verifique a URL</button>
372 <script>
373 $(function () {
374 $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover()
375 })
376 </script>
378 </#if>
379 <object width="100%" height="360" class="hidden-phone">
380 <param name="movie" value="${urlVideo}?version=3&theme=light"></param>
381 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param>
382 <embed src="${urlVideo}?version=3&theme=light" allowscriptaccess="always" width="100%" height="360"></embed>
383 </object>
384 <object width="100%" height="240" class="visible-phone">
385 <param name="movie" value="${urlVideo}?version=3&theme=light"></param>
386 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param>
387 <embed src="${urlVideo}?version=3&theme=light" allowscriptaccess="always" width="100%" height="240"></embed>
388 </object> <br/><br/>
389 </#if>
390 <br/>
391 <#if anexos?is_hash>
392 <#if ((anexos.getSiblings()?size)!0) gt 0>
393 <#list anexos.getSiblings() as cur_item>
394 <#assign attachURL = cur_item.getData() >
395 <#if attachURL?trim != ''>
396 <#if cur_item["data"]?starts_with("{") && cur_item["data"]?ends_with("}") >
397 <#assign attachTitle = ((cur_item["data"]?eval)["title"])!'Anexo' />
398 <#else>
399 <#assign attachTitle = 'Anexo' />
400 </#if>
401 <#assign links_anexos = (links_anexos![]) + ["<a href=\"${attachURL}\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-download\"></i>${attachTitle}</a>"] />
402 </#if>
403 </#list>
404 </#if>
405 <#if (links_anexos![])?size gt 0>
406 <div class="container mt-5">
407 <div class="row justify-content-md-center">
408 <div class="col-sm-12 anexos">
409 <span>Anexos</span><br><br>
410 <#list links_anexos as cur_link>
411 ${cur_link}
412 </#list>
413 </div>
414 </div>
415 </div>
416 </#if>
417 </#if>
421<#if idGaleria?has_content>
422 <div class="mb-4">
423 <@liferay_journal["journal-article"]
424 articleId=idGaleria
425 groupId=groupId
426 />
427 </div>